Orphans and Destitute Children
Peter Mshila

Peter is in a secondary school.
His father lost his job and has been unemployed for almost a year which means the family cannot afford Peter’s school fees. Peter was sent home, being ask to come back with at least 13,000 KSh (£105) and clear the balance later.
We raised £240 and Peter finished his school education.
Peter is now studying at teacher training college in Mombasa. Kipepeo worked with another charity to fund a scholarship for his course.
Many thanks to all who helped. You changed Peter’s life.
Ian Ogode

Ian is a bright boy. Ian is in 8th grade. He stopped attending school because his parents were unable to pay the costs. Thanks to our donors, we were able to find a new school for Ian and allowed him to continue learning.
Ian no longer needs our help.
Thank you for your support.

Ruth is a girl from the slum in Likoni. We started supporting her when she was ten years old. She is an orphan and for two years, she has lived with the family of our director in Kenya, Haggai Amonde. Ruth is smart and clever, Haggai enrolled her in the 2nd class of a local elementary school.
Ruth has now found a new family and lives on the coast in a village outside Mombasa. She no longer needs our help.
Thank you for your support.

Christopher was to ask to leave an overcrowded orphanage because he was not able to attract a sponsor. He was fourteen years old and was left without any means to support himself.
We have taken him on and helped him complete the primary school. We have sponsored his education, purchased his school uniform and shoes (compulsory in all schools) as well as textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils, and we also paid for his accommodation. Haggai Amonde was giving him private lessons for six months in order for Christopher to catch up with the rest of the class.
To help Christopher complete his primary education cost us in total just over £1,200.
Christopher now works as a shop assistant in Mombasa. He no longer needs our help.
Thank you very much for all your donations.
Ritah Alice

When we first met Ritah she was thirteen years old and wanted to become a detective. We supported her throughout the secondary school.
She has passed her A-levels and she is in a full-time employment in Malindi. She has grown into a confident young lady.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you note
To Verah
I hope you are fine & Britain is sunny, here in Kenya we are experiencing heavy rains. I want to thank you for sending that money it has really helped me, I appreciate your kidness. May God shower you with blessing & may you be prosperous. I also thank all people who have helped you get the money may God make them more successful.
I have enclosed my fee structure in this letter, I hope it will help you make things out. After finishing my secondary education I would like to join you there if God grant us life.
Bye bye for now, greet all people & tell them we love them greately.
Alice Ritah
Thank you note
How are you, hoping you are fine and not sickling. I hope God is contributing to bless the work of your hands.
No words can express the gratitude & love you have showed me. Thank you for the kind support you have been giving me in all my continuing life time, you have greatly helped me and God will contribute blessing you. I really wish that one day I will come up there and see you and your siblings. I don’t know them, I would like you to send for me their photo, please if you don’t mind.
I myself am doing fine with my studies, am trying hard as to attain the grade required to study law. I would like to be a Detective. I received your contribution, it really helped me. Thank you so very much. I wish I could have the ability ti reward you. I know after achieving my dream career I will reward you. Let God bless you in whatever you do and keep you strong in all your life. If you wish to send me anything, you can use the address on the top {our school address}. I can assure you it will come directly to me.
I will celebrate my birthday on 7th september. Bye for now and greet everyone who knows about me. Tell them I send my greetings. I wish you success in your life.
From your loving daughter,
Alice Ritah
Justus Ben

Justus was a pupil of St Bernard Academy. He went to school when he was four, which is two years before the normal school age. Kipepeo Foundation sponsored him throughout his secondary school. He was studying at Moi Forces Academy in Mombasa and passed his A-levels in 2011.
Justus has always been keen on history and politics and his dream was to be a journalist. He is now running his own business. In 2016, Justus got married.
Justus no longer needs our help. Thank you for your support.